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Scheduled forum maintenance - Sunday 26 Feb
- Mister Admin
- Staff
- Posts: 81
- Location: Fleurieu Peninsula
- Country: Australia
- Pet name: Archie & Zilli
- My name: Craig
Re: Scheduled forum maintenance - 25 Feb
Thanks Craig!
My name is Jill and we live on the Hood Canal in Washington State. We currently have 2 Jack russells, TJ is 9 and Sadie is 3.
Mickey and his pancreatitis brought me to site in 2012 to help manage it.
He lived from 6/99 - 8/2014
Mickey, Jack Russell. Chronic Pancreatitis. Dianes enzymes, 1/8t 3x/day with meals.
Mickey and his pancreatitis brought me to site in 2012 to help manage it.
He lived from 6/99 - 8/2014
Mickey, Jack Russell. Chronic Pancreatitis. Dianes enzymes, 1/8t 3x/day with meals.
- Olesia711
- Founder & Research Director
- Posts: 4661
- Location: North Carolina
- Country: United States
- State: North Carolina
- Pet name: Izzy
- My name: olesia
Re: Scheduled forum maintenance - 25 Feb
thank you Craig for letting us know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Olesia, was owned by Izzy, a 35lb Spanish Water Dog (SWD), Diagnosed at 1.5 years old - TLI results 1.. Izzy passed away on February 13, 2020 at 15 years old. She lived with EPI for 13+1/2 years. It was because of Izzy that Epi4Dogs was started... she was the inspiration. May her legacy of helping others with EPI continue for as long as needed.........
- Olesia711
- Founder & Research Director
- Posts: 4661
- Location: North Carolina
- Country: United States
- State: North Carolina
- Pet name: Izzy
- My name: olesia
Re: Scheduled forum maintenance - 25 Feb
just bringing this post to the top as a reminder !!!
Olesia, was owned by Izzy, a 35lb Spanish Water Dog (SWD), Diagnosed at 1.5 years old - TLI results 1.. Izzy passed away on February 13, 2020 at 15 years old. She lived with EPI for 13+1/2 years. It was because of Izzy that Epi4Dogs was started... she was the inspiration. May her legacy of helping others with EPI continue for as long as needed.........
- Mister Admin
- Staff
- Posts: 81
- Location: Fleurieu Peninsula
- Country: Australia
- Pet name: Archie & Zilli
- My name: Craig
Re: Scheduled forum maintenance - 25 Feb
Forum maintenance successfully completed. An additional maintenance session will be required on Monday 27 Feb
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