New TREAT idea!

Epi4Dogs Foundation Inc.’s mission is the advancement of science and education relating to EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), yielding useful insights and positive outcomes in better managing EPI in dogs and cats. Our goals are to support and/or collaborate with veterinary EPI research and researchers, and to promote EPI awareness by educating the general public, pet owners, pet organizations, rescue and shelter organizations, veterinary schools and veterinarians.
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New TREAT idea!

Post by Olesia711 » 30 May 2023, 13:35

New Treat Idea for EPI dogs

ENZYME ICING! (not baked or frozen… hardens naturally)


If you want to make your own baked cookie treats…. with whatever ingredients your pup can tolerate…. after the cookies are baked…. cover with this enzyme icing:

1/8 cup of cornstarch
1/16 cup of water
1 tsp of honey
1/2 tsp of enzyme (powder)

Start with the above…. if mixture is too soupy… sprinkle a little more cornstarch in the mixture.
Try it…. if you think more enzymes are needed to address the ingredients in the cookies… add more and just play around with the amount of cornstarch, water and honey until you get a good “icing” texture.
COOKIE.jpg (8.91 KiB) Viewed 2967 times
Olesia, was owned by Izzy, a 35lb Spanish Water Dog (SWD), Diagnosed at 1.5 years old - TLI results 1.. Izzy passed away on February 13, 2020 at 15 years old. She lived with EPI for 13+1/2 years. It was because of Izzy that Epi4Dogs was started... she was the inspiration. May her legacy of helping others with EPI continue for as long as needed.........

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Re: New TREAT idea!

Post by Olesia711 » 30 May 2023, 13:46

If anyone "tries" this enzyme icing on their EPI dog treats..... please let me know how it goes :)

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Olesia, was owned by Izzy, a 35lb Spanish Water Dog (SWD), Diagnosed at 1.5 years old - TLI results 1.. Izzy passed away on February 13, 2020 at 15 years old. She lived with EPI for 13+1/2 years. It was because of Izzy that Epi4Dogs was started... she was the inspiration. May her legacy of helping others with EPI continue for as long as needed.........

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Re: New TREAT idea!

Post by jilbert57 » 30 May 2023, 13:54

Very interesting and exciting! Thanks

My name is Jill and we live on the Hood Canal in Washington State. We currently have 2 Jack russells, TJ is 8 and Sadie is 2.

Mickey and his pancreatitis brought me to site in 2012 to help manage it.
He lived from 6/99 - 8/2014

Mickey, Jack Russell. Chronic Pancreatitis. Dianes enzymes, 1/8t 3x/day with meals.

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Re: New TREAT idea!

Post by Olesia711 » 30 May 2023, 20:17

looking forward to hearing how well this goes............... with anyone who tries it!
Olesia, was owned by Izzy, a 35lb Spanish Water Dog (SWD), Diagnosed at 1.5 years old - TLI results 1.. Izzy passed away on February 13, 2020 at 15 years old. She lived with EPI for 13+1/2 years. It was because of Izzy that Epi4Dogs was started... she was the inspiration. May her legacy of helping others with EPI continue for as long as needed.........

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Re: New TREAT idea!

Post by GSDFoster » 09 Jun 2023, 18:39

Does anybody have a good treat recipe? I'm interested in trying this icing, but I don't want to make Loki sick. He's on a GI support kibble, but the vet thinks he may also have some allergies and so we are going to gradually move him to a hypoallergenic food.

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Re: New TREAT idea!

Post by Olesia711 » 09 Jun 2023, 20:17

Can Loki tolerate sweet potato?

If so, one treat i used to do for my EPI gal was "sweet potato chips":

1. peel the skin off a sweet potato
2. then use the peeler and continue to shave off slivers of the sweet potato
3. lay the slivers on a dehydrator tray
4. dehydrate until dry.

Or... after you get the hydrolyzed food.... (or use current food)
1. make a paste of it (if kibble, soak in water until mushy)if canned, use as is
2. add an appropriate amount of enzymes to the mushy food
3. put the mushy food with enzymes in it.... in a squeeze tube (something like a ketchup squeeze bottle)
4. and squirt some in Lokie's mouth as a treat/reward

even if a dog has never had treat from a squirt bottle, it doesn't take them long to figure it out! (kind of like squirting some whipped cream in your kid's mouth from canned whip cream :)
Olesia, was owned by Izzy, a 35lb Spanish Water Dog (SWD), Diagnosed at 1.5 years old - TLI results 1.. Izzy passed away on February 13, 2020 at 15 years old. She lived with EPI for 13+1/2 years. It was because of Izzy that Epi4Dogs was started... she was the inspiration. May her legacy of helping others with EPI continue for as long as needed.........

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Re: New TREAT idea!

Post by Beatrice » 05 Oct 2023, 14:52

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This is my 3rd time coating treats with enzymes using this method. I have a question. The water in the paste will activate the enzymes correct? If so, don't the enzymes get deactivated after a while?
TLI 3.1
1 Pet Factor B12, 1 small scoop of aventi GI complete pre/probiotic, 1/4 teaspoon slippery elm
Enzyme Diane 8X in HPMC delayed release capsule (1 full capsule + 1/2 capsule for each meal)
Nutrience Grain-Free Subzero Prairie Red (up to 2 cups if no other meat given)
AM 1/2 cup of kibble, plain yogourt with 1/2 banana or sweet potato
Noon 1/2 cup of cooked meat + boiled egg
3:30pm 1/2 cup cooked meat + boiled egg
6pm 3/4 cup of cooked meat
9pm 1/2 cup of kibble
apple, peanut butter snacks with enzyme capsule

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Re: New TREAT idea!

Post by Olesia711 » 08 Oct 2023, 14:12

i don't know for sure... but i would suspect the moisture deactivates just a small portion of the enzymes.... using the same orincipal of how we add moisture to food and let the enzymes "incubate" for approx 20 minutes..... a very small amount of the enzymes are activated but not all of it.... so i am "guessing" the same thing happens with this enzyme frosting.....

IMHO... the objective is to get some enzymes in with the treat.... and i think this accomplishes that :).... at least i hope so!
Olesia, was owned by Izzy, a 35lb Spanish Water Dog (SWD), Diagnosed at 1.5 years old - TLI results 1.. Izzy passed away on February 13, 2020 at 15 years old. She lived with EPI for 13+1/2 years. It was because of Izzy that Epi4Dogs was started... she was the inspiration. May her legacy of helping others with EPI continue for as long as needed.........

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Re: New TREAT idea!

Post by Barb » 09 Oct 2023, 13:40

Icing that looks enticing!!

Let us know how it goes.


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