Our attendance at the GSD Natl

Epi4Dogs Foundation Inc.’s mission is the advancement of science and education relating to EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), yielding useful insights and positive outcomes in better managing EPI in dogs and cats. Our goals are to support and/or collaborate with veterinary EPI research and researchers, and to promote EPI awareness by educating the general public, pet owners, pet organizations, rescue and shelter organizations, veterinary schools and veterinarians.
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Pet name: Izzy
My name: olesia

Our attendance at the GSD Natl

Post by Olesia711 » 30 Oct 2023, 20:49

Epi4Dogs attendance at the GSD Nationals in Springfield Illinois Oct 26-28th was well worth it! I am so glad we were invited to attend. Many thanks to Lynn Goswick and the Board of the GSD Nationals for inviting us and giving us such great exposure. So many GSD owners stopped by our table. Many of the GSD owners were actually excited to meet us because they knew of us! We heard a lot of “you saved my dog’s life”. There was a very strong interest in learning about EPI or learning the latest about EPI. There were many questions about symptoms, treatments and research. We distributed a lot of EPI Brochures and the EPI Management handout. Quite a few had personal experience with an EPI dog and others either thought their dog might have EPI or knew of someone else whose dog sounded like they might have EPI. Needless to say, our information was very well received, and I think we really made an impact with bringing better awareness to EPI .

The following are some pictures (UGH... pictures did not upload in correct order- -but i hope you can still figure them out) …. the 1st pic is (L to R) Diane Sloan/Enzyme Diane, Lynn Goswick/GSD Natl, Olesia Kennedy/Epi4Dogs. The 2nd picture is Olesia /Epi4Dogs, Diane /Enzyme Diane, Thais Fontenelle/ Univ of GA (intern geneticist), Dr. Leigh Anne Clark/Univ of GA (geneticists). The 3rd pic is of "Stig" an 8yr old EPI dog, owned by Meghan McLaughlin who was one of the winners in the veteran category... because as we say...an EPI dog can do anything any other dog can do !!! The 4th pic is of the coliseum where the event was held. And the 5th picture is a random shot of one of the events. We were later joined by Dr. Patrick Barko/Univ of Illinois (small animal & gastroenterology) and we were having such a lively conversation that i completely forgot to take his pic... i promise to do better next time :)
GSD Natl 4 attendees.jpg
GSD Natl 4 attendees.jpg (417.01 KiB) Viewed 2028 times
GSD Natl EPI veteren winner.jpg
GSD Natl EPI veteren winner.jpg (3.39 MiB) Viewed 2028 times
GSD bldg.jpg
GSD bldg.jpg (279.89 KiB) Viewed 2028 times
GSD NAtl -event2.jpg
GSD NAtl -event2.jpg (1.74 MiB) Viewed 2028 times
GSD Natl-3 attendees.jpg
GSD Natl-3 attendees.jpg (3 MiB) Viewed 2028 times
Olesia, was owned by Izzy, a 35lb Spanish Water Dog (SWD), Diagnosed at 1.5 years old - TLI results 1.. Izzy passed away on February 13, 2020 at 15 years old. She lived with EPI for 13+1/2 years. It was because of Izzy that Epi4Dogs was started... she was the inspiration. May her legacy of helping others with EPI continue for as long as needed.........

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Re: Our attendance at the GSD Natl

Post by jilbert57 » 31 Oct 2023, 09:06

Thank you for the update Olesia. Sounds like a good trip and you all spread the word and met some new folks. Your booth looks fantastic.

My name is Jill and we live on the Hood Canal in Washington State. We currently have 2 Jack russells, TJ is 8 and Sadie is 2.

Mickey and his pancreatitis brought me to Epi4dogs.com site in 2012 to help manage it.
He lived from 6/99 - 8/2014

Mickey, Jack Russell. Chronic Pancreatitis. Dianes enzymes, 1/8t 3x/day with meals.

Tuckaboo Pam
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Re: Our attendance at the GSD Natl

Post by Tuckaboo Pam » 01 Nov 2023, 04:41

I am honestly tearing up, thinking of how many dogs' lives you have saved, including Tucker's.

While we did finally find a vet with EPI experience, back in 2019, I'm not sure we could have kept up the expense of prescription enzymes...I shudder to think of the potential decisions we would have had to make, if not for this group. Not just the expense of the enzymes, but also the tweaking. The tweaking that could have meant a trip to the vet, every time I made an inquiry here on the forum. "Try this, try that", until we got him settled, and at no charge at all.

My $80 shepherd mix could have had a much shorter life, if I hadn't had Epi4Dogs at my fingertips. You all have been the best, and I thank you every day.

---Pam & Tucker
Tucker was a shepherd mix--- TLI 1.3, Folate 9.7, Cobalamin 666, Lipase 38. Diane's Enzymes 4 t/day, B12 1 capsule/day, and Tylan 1/16 teaspoon/day. Taste of the Wild High Prairie, 4 c/day. 60 to 85 pounds! Tucker succumbed to hemangiosarcoma Nov. 2023. I will always, always miss my sweet big boy.

Now there's Nina. 5 year old GSD. TLI 1.0 B12 323. We are still tweaking her routine, and getting lots of help from the forum. She is klutzy and goofy, and we love her dearly, too.

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Re: Our attendance at the GSD Natl

Post by Barb » 02 Nov 2023, 11:46

Thank you for the report, Olesia. I am so glad you went. It sounds like you made a real impact with lots of information for people to take back to their communities about EPI. And so many beautiful German Shepherds!
Thank you.


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