Natural anxiety treatment?

Epi4Dogs Foundation Inc.’s mission is the advancement of science and education relating to EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), yielding useful insights and positive outcomes in better managing EPI in dogs and cats. Our goals are to support and/or collaborate with veterinary EPI research and researchers, and to promote EPI awareness by educating the general public, pet owners, pet organizations, rescue and shelter organizations, veterinary schools and veterinarians.
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Country: United States
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Pet name: Johnny
My name: MacKenzie

Re: Natural anxiety treatment?

Post by Johnnycake » 30 Nov 2021, 16:30

Just popping in to say that training that boosts confidence has been huge for my dog! He had a lot of anxiety early on, and combining natural remedies with behavioral modification has all but gotten rid of it. He used to have to take anxiety meds twice daily but hasn't needed them, or any anxiety supplements, for a number of months now. Agility training has been huge for him, it has been so good for his confidence. Puzzle feeders are a really good one too.

Just another natural remedy you might try! :D

Posts: 1
Country: United States
Pet name: Diggsie

Re: Natural anxiety treatment?

Post by Ian44 » 05 Nov 2024, 17:43

My dog was also struggling with anxiety and sometimes even impulsiveness and these natural treatments helped a lot.

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