R.I.P. Nikki

Epi4Dogs Foundation Inc.’s mission is the advancement of science and education relating to EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency), yielding useful insights and positive outcomes in better managing EPI in dogs and cats. Our goals are to support and/or collaborate with veterinary EPI research and researchers, and to promote EPI awareness by educating the general public, pet owners, pet organizations, rescue and shelter organizations, veterinary schools and veterinarians.
Posts: 690
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Pet name: Chance
My name: Andrea

Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by Chance » 28 May 2023, 02:07

Oh that's so very sad!! That's so devastating to hear. There is nothing worse than saying goodbye. Nothing worse.

My deepest condolences to you and your family!

RIP Nikki! <3
Chance was my 4 legged soul mate. My mobility assist service dog. Pure yellow Lab, 75 lbs. After struggling with weight all his life, finally dx with EPI. cTLI < 1, folate and B12 very low. Fed Raw. Maintained with Creon, Garden of Life probiotic and intermittent calcium bentonite clay. (Tylosin was a big nightmare for him)!

Rylee is Chance's successor; also pure Yellow/Fox red Lab. Started with symptoms at 8 weeks. At 6 months of age, also prescribed Creon due to suspected EPI (due to passing large amounts of undigested food). Currently suspected of blockages in pancreatic ducts. She is maintained VERY nicely on Creon and probiotics. Also raw fed.

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State: New Jersey

Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by Barb » 29 May 2023, 18:40

The emptiness in the house is almost suffocating. I couldn't move anything that was Kolby's. We still have his beloved balls that he would chase for hours on the bottom of his special shelf. I can smile now when I look at them but it took a lot of tears before we could do that.

We have a darling girl now who has wormed her way into our hearts. Each one is so different and so precious.

Thinking of you. We know how hard this is.


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Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by TrixEPIMama » 03 Jun 2023, 11:07

I can only add to the heartfelt chorus of sympathy -- which I know doesn't help much.

You and Nikki helped me and Trixie when we were near the beginning of our EPI journey with your generous gift of Trinfac-B, and we will never forget.
Trixie is an Australian cattle dog or mix, likely born in the Fall of 2020. Picked up as a stray, she was already suffering undiagnosed EPI when we adopted her. Test later showed TLI <1 and cobalamin 189.

Her (non-standard) treatment is 1900 mcg of pure freeze-dried pork pancreas from Allergy Research Group per day. Also 1/4 teaspoon of slippery elm powder and 1/2 (previously one) capsule a day of WonderLabs TrinFac-B, all mixed into her food and served immediately, without the usual 20-minute wait.

We feed Canidae Angus Beef and Barley, which may not yet be the perfect food, but she's doing well and has "happy" normal poops.

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Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by Quixotic » 12 Jun 2023, 17:42

I am so sorry for your loss.

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Posts: 155
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Pet name: Nikki
My name: Michaela

Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by Michaela » 18 Jul 2023, 09:39

Thank you for the kind words everyone ❤️

I wanted to share something that happened one week after Nikki passed. I received a call from her vet clinic, and they wanted to know if I could stop by the following week...hmmm? I agreed but must admit I wasn't looking forward to it.

When I get there the waiting room was empty (thank goodness) and it didn't take long before the tears started flowing (so embarrassing). Soon, three of the veterinary technicians came out and handed me two picture frames and a couple of envelopes. Turns out, when I dropped Nikki off back in February, for them to watch her for a few hours, they decided to do a photo shoot with Nikki. How sweet is that? They kept it a secret all this time. I'm so glad they loved her because she loved going there every week.
Nikkiprincess.jpg (376.53 KiB) Viewed 3952 times

R.I.P. Nikki 11/21/2009 - 05/23/2023

Nikki was diagnosed with EPI in 2010
Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Low Fat canned
Slippery Elm syrup for stomach issues
1 tsp Pan-Tenex enzymes with each meal
Weekly B12 shots, pills didn't work for her
Tylan for life

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever."

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Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by jilbert57 » 18 Jul 2023, 09:43

What a sweet gesture.
Thank you for sharing. Nikki was very special💗

My name is Jill and we live on the Hood Canal in Washington State. We currently have 2 Jack russells, TJ is 9 and Sadie is 3.

Mickey and his pancreatitis brought me to Epi4dogs.com site in 2012 to help manage it.
He lived from 6/99 - 8/2014

Mickey, Jack Russell. Chronic Pancreatitis. Dianes enzymes, 1/8t 3x/day with meals.

Tuckaboo Pam
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Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by Tuckaboo Pam » 18 Jul 2023, 15:04

Oh, how touching, and now you've made me cry. What a beautiful princess Nikki was. Did you have her from a puppy, Michaela?
Tucker was a shepherd mix--- TLI 1.3, Folate 9.7, Cobalamin 666, Lipase 38. Diane's Enzymes 4 t/day, B12 1 capsule/day, and Tylan 1/16 teaspoon/day. Taste of the Wild High Prairie, 4 c/day. 60 to 85 pounds! Tucker succumbed to hemangiosarcoma Nov. 2023. I will always, always miss my sweet big boy.

Now there's Nina. 5 year old GSD. We have had this heart healer since April 2024. TLI 1.0 B12 323. Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream 4c/day, 4 teaspoons 6X Enzyme Diane/day, 1 Wonderlabs B12/day. 2 T cottage cheese a.m., 1 boiled egg p.m.

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Posts: 155
Country: United States
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Pet name: Nikki
My name: Michaela

Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by Michaela » 19 Jul 2023, 21:39

Yes, we had her since she was eight weeks old, she was so cute. I miss her 💔😪

R.I.P. Nikki 11/21/2009 - 05/23/2023

Nikki was diagnosed with EPI in 2010
Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Low Fat canned
Slippery Elm syrup for stomach issues
1 tsp Pan-Tenex enzymes with each meal
Weekly B12 shots, pills didn't work for her
Tylan for life

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever."

Posts: 918
Country: United States
State: New Jersey

Re: R.I.P. Nikki

Post by Barb » 21 Jul 2023, 10:23

I am so sorry for your loss. I know how much it hurts. She will always be with you, but at doesn't take away the emptiness. In time, the emptiness will be the space that lets the light shine through. Thinking of you. Sending hugs and light and love.


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